Nestled within the picturesque district of Dindori, Bajag emerges as a block cocooned amidst the verdant embrace of the Satpura range in the heartland of Madhya Pradesh. Despite its rich weaving heritage, the vibrancy of this craft now echoes only in a handful of villages, a consequence of myriad challenges. The dominance of large-scale industrial weaving has shadowed the once-thriving weaving tradition, compounded by a need for more financial infrastructure and persistent hurdles in sourcing raw materials.

Nevertheless, a poignant legacy lingers from yesteryears when handloom weaving served as the lifeblood of countless families in this region's various communities. It was a time when each thread was woven intricately intertwined with the fabric of their daily existence, providing sustenance and dignity.

Through the collaborative efforts of the State Rural Livelihood Mission and National Rural Livelihood Mission, Bajagloom has taken on the challenge of empowering women weavers like never before. Bajagloom is equipping us women with the skills and knowledge needed to excel in weaving, an area dominated by men. 


Our handwoven textile designs blend the essence of heritage with a contemporary flair. Inspired by our surroundings, each piece reflects the vibrant flavours of our traditions, offering a unique fusion of past and present.


We, the traditional artisans, balance our craft with agricultural labour and possess expertise in creating Baiga tribal attire while also innovating with contemporary textiles. Feel the warmth of our traditions and the pride of supporting artisanal craftsmanship.


We are envisioning a future where women stand tall as the driving force behind a transformative wave of change in our community. And that's a future we're determined to bring to life. Join us on our journey to share pieces of cultural heritage with you.